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Records 261 to 280 of 2939

May 21 (Thursday) - Meeting
Green Party of Seattle Meeting
The Green Party of Seattle invites party members and all interested citizens to our May meeting. We will have a speaker and discussion concerning the I-100 No-New Jail Campaign. All people interested in learning more about this issue and finding ways to volunteer and participate are invited to attend.  more...

May 20 (Wednesday) - Lecture / Talk
Building a Labor Movement With Change We Can Believe In
A discussion with Bill Fletcher, Jr., co-author of "Solidarity Divivded" (UC Press, 2008), co-founder of the Center for Labor Renewal, a columnist, and a long-time activist.  more...

May 19 (Tuesday) - Workshop / Training
Making the Green Link: Everyday Sustainability
This is a special kind of workshop. It’s as much about building community and understanding ourselves a little bit better as it is about looking at the big current issues related to climate change, human health and our environment.  more...

May 19 (Tuesday) - Meeting
Green Party of Seattle Meeting
Our Monthly meeting, focusing on the I-100 "No New Jails Campaign" is this Tuesday May 19 (not the 21st as listed below!) All other info listed in the posting below is correct. Come help us support this important campaign to fight the prison-industrial complex in Seattle!  more...

May 17 (Sunday) - Panel / Forum
Sunday Soviet
There's a problem, maybe even more than one, that can't be denied. Healthcare is unaffordable. The Rich are getting richer, which wouldn't be a problem if the Poor weren't getting poorer and the "Middle class" weren't shrinking. Obama is cutting corners and voiding promises. Dick Cheney is STILL trying to justify torture. Social justice is taking a back seat to padding bottom lines.  more...

May 17 (Sunday) - Lecture / Talk
ANSWER Forum: The deepening economic crisis
Richard Becker, Western Regional Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition, will speak about the current economic crisis.  more...

May 14 (Thursday) - Lecture / Talk
Andrej Grubacic, "Anarchism for the 21st Century: Building Movements for Lasting Change"
Common Action presents an evening with Andrej Grubacic, an anarchist historian from the Balkans, and author of "Wobblies & Zapatistas"  more...

May 14 (Thursday) - Lecture / Talk
Women In Prison
A discussion on some of the reasons for the massive increase in the female prison population, conditions inside prison, and resistance both inside and out. Presenters are Silja Talvi (author of Women Behind Bars) and Victoria Law (author of the Resistance Behind Bars).  more...

May 13 (Wednesday) - Panel / Forum
Marx is Back!--How Socialist Ideas Can Change the World
The time has come to revive genuine socialism--not simply as a critique of the system, but as an organized force that can link the new generation of struggles that are just beginning to arise to the future struggle to uproot the exploitative system that created crazed financial speculation, enormous inequality, a gravely damaged environment and endless imperial wars. join ISO California Organizer, Todd Chretien for a lively discussion of the relevance of Marx's ideas and how activists can most effectively organize today.  more...

May 13 (Wednesday) - Panel / Forum
Marx is Back!---How Socialist Ideas Can Change the World
The time has come to revive genuine socialism--not simply as a critique of the system, but as an organized force that can link the new generation of struggles that are just beginning to arise to the future struggle to uproot the exploitative system that created crazed financial speculation, enormous inequality, a gravely damaged environment and endless imperial wars. Join Todd Chretien, ISO California Organizer for a lively discussion of the relevance of Marx's ideas and how activists can best organize today.  more...

May 12 (Tuesday) - Workshop / Training
Economics for Activists: From the Chaos of Capitalism to the Socialist Solution
Feel like you need a map and magic decoder ring to figure out where the world's wealth is disappearing? This crash course will cover the nuts and bolts of how capitalism works--and why it doesn't anymore!  more...

May 12 (Tuesday) - Lecture / Talk
Monetary Seminar with Stephen Zarlenga
How did the Banks Break our Money System Again? Why doesn’t it work for America? Learn more about money in 3 hours than most economists learn (or will tell) in a lifetime!  more...

May 9 (Saturday) - Panel / Forum
Free screening of ASK documentary about "Don't Ask. Don't Tell." at SIFF Cinema
ASK NOT by Johnny Symons. As wars rage in the Middle East, the U.S. military is eager for more recruits––unless you happen to be openly gay. ASK NOT explores the tangled political battles that led to the infamous “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and reveals the personal stories of gay Americans who serve in combat under a veil of secrecy.  more...

May 9 (Saturday) - Film / Video
The New Narrative: Local Voices for a Global Future
The Global Oneness Project presents a free film night recognizing the role of local communities in global change. Join us to exchange ideas, foster relationships, and strengthen the changes already happening in our world.  more...

May 9 (Saturday) - Panel / Forum
James P. Cannon: A Native Son's Revolutionary Road
Bryan Palmer's will discuss his book that examines Cannon's small-town roots in Kansas, his introduction to the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), and his developing into a founder of the U.S. left.  more...

May 9 (Saturday) - Protest / Demonstration
NARAL Pro-Choice Washington’s 6th Annual Run for Your Rights 5K Run/Walk
Dust off your running shoes, grab the dog, gather your family and friends, and get ready for some great pro-choice fun in the sun! Join hundreds of your pro-choice friends and neighbors at NARAL Pro-Choice Washington’s “Run for Your Rights” recreational 5K at Green Lake!  more...

May 2 (Saturday) - Protest / Demonstration
Marijuana Liberation March
Annual Globally coordinated Marijuana Liberation March. Meet at Volunteer Park at Noon, March to Westlake Center at 1pm, Rally at Westlake at 2pm. Volunteer/Peaceleeper info 206-293-2439  more...

May 2 (Saturday) - Panel / Forum
Free screening of CRIPS & BLOODS: MADE IN AMERICA documentary by Stacy Peralta at SIFF Cinema
CRIPS AND BLOODS: Made in America searches for answers by providing a historical and sociological context for the rise of the devastating gang violence. Directed by Stacy Peralta and narrated by Forest Whitaker. http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/cripsandbloods/  more...

May 2 (Saturday) - Music / Entertainment
El Centro's Cinco de Mayo Festival
Come celebrate Cinco de Mayo with El Centro de La Raza! This fantastic celebration will feature: Live entertainment/DJ Traditional Foods Children's Activities Local Vendors Health, Social Services, Business Fair Hope to see you there!  more...

May 1 (Friday) - Protest / Demonstration
May 1st March & Rally
The Committee for Immigration Reform and Social Justice is making a general call to all of our sisters and brothers within unions, the religious community and community organizations to march this May 1st under a common platform that unites us all as workers.  more...

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