events archive
ordered by date, most recent first
June 14 (Sunday) - Film / Video
ANSWER Film Showing: Strawberries and Chocolate
Strawberries and Chocolate is a groundbreaking Cuban film that explores the friendship between two men, one a gay artist, the other a heterosexual member of the Communist Party. The first Cuban film to be nominated for an Oscar. more...
June 14 (Sunday) - Protest / Demonstration
Seattle OUTProtest and Celebration: Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church NOT Welcome in Seattle!
The Westboro Baptist Church, headed by the Reverend Fred Phelps, is coming to Seattle next weekend. The Phelps clan is known for their hatred of lgbt people and such vile tactics as protesting at the funerals of gay men who have died of AIDS, protesting the funeral of Matthew Shephard, and protesting the funerals of soldiers who have died in Iraq. more...
June 13 (Saturday) - Lecture / Talk
Tyler Boudreau--Real War Talks
Tyler Boudreau, a former Captain in the Marines, is preparing to ride his bicycle from Seattle to Northampton, MA this summer in an effort to "Come Home" from war. In towns along his route, he is organizing gatherings, called Real War Talks, to focus on the realities and human cost of war. Tyler will speak, read from his book (Packing Inferno), answer questions, and engage other veterans in Real War Talks. more...
June 13 (Saturday) - Other
Washington Public Campaign's 3rd Annual Awards Bnquet
Washington Public Campaigns is hosting its 3rd Annual Awards Banquet to recognize outstanding advocates of, and to generate support for, "Clean Elections" and a democracy that is of the people, by the people, for the people. more...
June 13 (Saturday) - Other
Help a feminist firebrand go flying...with a spectacular send-off party for Radical Women's National Organizer Anne Slater
Help a feminist firebrand go flying...
with a spectacular send-off party for Radical Women's National Organizer Anne Slater
June 13 (Saturday) - Protest / Demonstration
Protest Sec. of Defense Robert Gates' Speech at the UW Graduation
Students, faculty, staff, alumni and other concerned member of the University of Washington and Seattle communities strongly object to the decision to have Secretary of Defense Robert Gates as speaker at the June 13 UW commencement. Robert Gates should be held accountable and procecuted by legal authorities for war crimes! more...
June 12 (Friday) - Film / Video
Friday Night at the Meaningful Movies: "MAD CITY CHICKENS"
...The Chickens Are Coming! The Chickens Are Coming!
Learn about Seattle City Chickens with Seattle Tilth Garden Educator Carey Thornton, who will be available to talk about Seattle Tilth’s chicken program, including the upcoming Chicken Coop Tour in July. Event is FREE and open to the public!
June 12 (Friday) - Conference
When Workers Rise: 2009 Labor History Conference
The Pacific Northwest Labor History Association's 41st annual conference presented in collaboration with the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, University of Washington, and with support from the Pacific Maritime History Committee, SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001, and SEIU 1199NW.
June 10 (Wednesday) - Lecture / Talk
Energy & Weapons in 2009: How Do We Assure a Sustainable, Nuclear-Free Future?
An Evening with Bob Alvarez. * FREE AND OPEN TO ALL *
The environmental and human cost of the nuclear arms race has been staggering, with large areas of this country uninhabitable due to radiation leaks and contamination. To achieve the peace and climate stability required to reverse global warming the U.S. government must abandon its fascination with nuclear chain reactions. But does President Obama understand that nuclear energy thwarts our chances to heal the planet? Please join us for an engaging presentation and discussion as Bob Alvarez considers our current energy and weapons policies, and where we are headed under a new administration. more...
June 3 (Wednesday) - Protest / Demonstration
Rally for Public Education at the School Board Meeting
Stop Educator Layoffs!
--All Out to Public Education Rally--
No Class Size Increases!
Keep the cuts away from direct services to students! more...
June 3 (Wednesday) - Protest / Demonstration
Rally to Stop Educator Layoffs.
On the same day Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnson will receive her annual performance review, teachers, parents and students will rally and offer their pointed evaluation of district leadership and performance this year, petitioning against Seattle schools’ Reduction in Force (RIF) on the heals of the controversial school closures and growing enrollment. more...
June 3 (Wednesday) - Panel / Forum
Port Candidates Forum
What do Burien's jet ghettos, Duwamish River PCBs, cruise ship dumping in Puget Sound, Georgetown's diesel truck pollution, development of Ballard's Fisherman's Terminal, and $97 million in wasted tax dollars have in common? Your elected Port Commissioners. Next week, 25 labor, community and environmental groups are hosting what promises to be the biggest port candidate forum of the year. more...
May 30 (Saturday) - Workshop / Training
Courage & Renewal Retreat - for Social Justice advocates
Washington Courage & Renewal (WC&R) invites you to participate in a 1-day retreat to renew your commitment to social justice action. This retreat is based on the work of Parker J. Palmer, author of A Hidden Wholeness, The Courage to Teach & Let Your Life Speak. more...
May 27 (Wednesday) - Workshop / Training
The Z Media Institute (ZMI) and Z Magazine First International Reunion and Radical Media Convergence
The Z Media Institute (ZMI) and Z Magazine First International Reunion and Radical Media Convergence is an event open to the public that starts May 27th and ends May 31st, 2009. more...
May 24 (Sunday) - Film / Video
“GOOD FOOD” (72 min, by Melissa Young & Mark Dworkin, 2008) - A wonderful new film about sustainable food and farming in the Pacific Northwest - Event is FREE and open to the public! …Something remarkable is happening in the fields and orchards of the Pacific Northwest. Small family farmers are making a comeback. They're growing much healthier food, and lots more food per acre, while using less energy and water than factory farms. “A film to awaken our taste buds and our courage...” -Frances Moore Lappe, author of Diet for a Small Planet, Hope’s Edge. more...
May 22 (Friday) - Panel / Forum
Time for a labor resurgence!
Organizers from a cross-section of unions facing layoffs
and take-backs during this econonmic crisis will share their
perspectives and strategies for re-iginting the labor movement. more...
May 22 (Friday) - Film / Video
"CONSUME THIS MOVIE" (80min, by Gene Brockhoff, 2008) ...A SHOP-U-MENTARY, and a Community Discussion with author and simplicity guru, Cecile Andrews! - Event is FREE and open to the public! - Are Americans too materialistic? Are we willfully trashing the planetary ecology in order to serve the desires and drives of the ego? And what, or who could be driving this powerful force of seduction?
May 21 (Thursday) - Meeting
Green Party Meeting
This green party meeting was held tuesday may19 as earlier corrected. apologies for any confusion. next meeting will be tuesday June 16 on Rank-Choice Voting (local electoral reform). see you there! more...
May 21 (Thursday) - Protest / Demonstration
Rally in Seattle for Climate, Green Jobs, Healthy Communities
Rally in Seattle for Climate, Green Jobs, Healthy Communities @ Seattle's Bell Harbor International Conference Center, 12:00 Noon, Thursday, May 21st more...
May 21 (Thursday) - Lecture / Talk
Book talk and signing with Bill Fletcher, Jr., author "Solidarity Divided"
Book talk and signing with Bill Fletcher, Jr., author of "Solidarity Divided" (UC Press, 2008). Candid, incisive and accessible, "Solidarity Divided" is a critical examination of labor's current crisis and a plan for a bold new way forward into the 21st century. more...