Protest / Demonstration
Counter-Inaugural: Protest Bush

January 20 (Thursday)5 PM
Federal Building--2nd and Marion in Seattle
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Act Now to Stop War and End Racism Seattle

Protest Bush on Inauguration Day! Join with others to demand "Bring the Troops Home Now, Fund Human Needs not War and Occupation! No to the Bush Agenda!" Sponsored by ANSWER Seattle.

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Unite with all who are threatened by the Bush agenda: workers, immigrants, women, the LGBT community, seniors, students, people with disabilities and others! Join together and demand an end to war and occupation! While many will gather in Washington DC to protest on Inauguration day, many more people from Seattle will be unable to travel all the way to the nation's capitol. For this reason we are sponsoring a rally at the Federal Building, to involve the maximum number of people. Its up to the people to stop the privatization of Social Security, defend the right to choose, defend the rights of all workers, documented and undocumented alike, to earn a living wage. We need to stand up to the bigots who are trying to push back the movement for equal marriage rights for same sex couples. Local endorsers include: American Friends Service Committee, Aradia Women's Health Clinic, Committee for General Amnesty and Social Justice, Out Front Labor Coallition, People for Fair Trade, ACTION North West, Filipino Workers Action Center, Vets for Peace and others.

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Jane Cutter
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