events archive
ordered by date, most recent first
April 10 (Saturday) - Lecture / Talk
Palestine, Israel and the U.S.Empire: Book talk and discussion with author Richard Becker
Richard Becker is embarking on a nationwide speaking tour to promote Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire. His presentation and the discussion which follows should be of interest to both to those new to the issue as well as to people with more experience and knowledge. more...
April 10 (Saturday) - Film / Video
Broadcast of documentary film about nonviolence, Orange Revolution
The candidate was poisoned. The election was stolen. But the citizens were determined. What would you do it your vote were stolen? more...
April 9 (Friday) - Other
Minority Executive Directors Coalition Annual Awards Banquet
MEDC's annual awards Banquet is a fundraising and awards celebration w/an outstanding dinner, drinks, desert and an opportunity to honor and recognize those who are improving the conditions for people of color in King County! more...
April 8 (Thursday) - Lecture / Talk
"Labor's Stake in Ending the Wars" w/Michael Eisenscher, US Labor Against the War
Michael Eisenscher is a co-founder and the current national coordinator for US Labor Against War. He's a remarkable activist, helping the AFL-CIO to pass resolutions in oppositions to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and organizing a national conference of Iraqi trade unions in Irbil that gave birth to a national organization of unions. more...
April 1 (Thursday) - Music / Entertainment
Benefit For AHAC, the Alternative Healthcare Access Campaign
AHAC, the Alternative Healthcare Access Campaign, is an almost
all-volunteer-run local non-profit organization that provides free
acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, and massage therapy at five Seattle
homeless shelters, as well as Tent City 3. We believe that access to
quality, holistic healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and it should
not be denied or limited because of economic status. This event is a fundraiser for us! more...
April 1 (Thursday) - Panel / Forum
Making Democracy Work - League of Women Voters of Greater Seattle
Join Nancy Amidei, Jerry Large, Paul Loeb and sponsor Seattle League of Women Voters to look at the challenges facing our democracy and what we can do about them. Town Hall Seattle. www.seattlelwv.org more...
March 22 (Monday) - Panel / Forum
Sustainable Ballard Monthly Gathering, March topic, Gardening resources
Guests from Seattle Tree Fruit, Seattle Tilth, discussing gardening in resources available locally to help get things growing. more...
March 21 (Sunday) - Protest / Demonstration
Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Haiti...End US War and Occupation--Fund Human Needs!
Join ANSWER, SNOW, World Can't Wait, Veterans for Peace #92 and Iraq Veterans Against the War to protest the 7th anniversary of the US War on Iraq. more...
March 20 (Saturday) - Protest / Demonstration
Seven Years Too Many//Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate the 7th Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq
We will stand on all four corners of this busy intersection to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the invasion of Iraq and the beginning of this senseless and tragic war.
1,366,350 Iraqi Deaths.
4380 U.S. Military Fatalities.
“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.”
---Howard Zinn
March 20 (Saturday) - Workshop / Training
Sensible Washington Seattle Volunteer Meeting
Volunteer Meeting for the I-1068 Initiative Campaign to legalize cannabis in Washington State. more...
March 16 (Tuesday) - Other
Trader of the Year Awards
Featured speaker, Governor Christine Gregoire will recognize the winners of the 2010 Governor's Trader and Emerging Trader of the Year Awards and discuss the importance of Washington’s international trade activities. more...
March 14 (Sunday) - Music / Entertainment
DiSH! An All-Ages Queer Variety Show
On Sunday, March 14, 'DiSH! An All-Ages Queer Variety Show' brings drag kings and queens, burlesque performers, musicians, comedians, spoken word artists and a slideshow to the stage at The Vera Project for a one-night-only performance that welcomes you to the world of Queer. DiSH is a benefit for 'heart breaks open' and Lifelong AIDS Alliance. more...
March 13 (Saturday) - Panel / Forum
International Women's Day
“Palestinian Women Resist the Israeli Occupation” panel discussion on Saturday, March 13, 7:30pm more...
March 13 (Saturday) - Panel / Forum
Michael Randall Ealy Social Justice Foundation 11th Annual Meeting
“The End of Racial Profiling? The End of Police Brutality?”, featuring guest speaker K. Wyking Garrett. Discussion to follow. more...
March 10 (Wednesday) - Protest / Demonstration
51st Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day
Open to everyone, please join us to commemorate 51st Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day on March 10th 1959 when the Chinese communist invaded Tibet illegally and occupied ever since. more...
March 7 (Sunday) - Meeting
Unnatural Disasters: Earthquakes and Hurricanes under capitalism
Are "natural disasters" simply "acts of God/nature" that hurt rich and poor alike? How are the current crises in Haiti and now Chile being used to further the interests of the ruling class? Join the discussion with members of PSL Seattle. more...
March 6 (Saturday) - Protest / Demonstration
International Women's Day March & Rally
12 Noon: Gather for march at Powell Barnett Park (MLK Jr Way & E Alder St)
2 pm: Rally at Occidental Park (S Washington St & Occidental Ave S)
The World March of Women 2010 calls for women of all nations to raise our voices together and demand an end to militarization, violence against women, and poverty. Celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the Declaration of International Women's Day!
March 4 (Thursday) - Protest / Demonstration
Protest Cuts to Education and Financial Aid! Protest Tuition Hikes! Protest Cuts to Benefits and Wages of State Workers!
We are protesting cuts to education and elimination of most state based financial aid! We are protesting attacks on state workers who provide sorely needed serices. We are protesting cuts to social programs! We didnt cause the financial crisis and we shouldnt be made to pay for it! more...
March 2 (Tuesday) - Panel / Forum
ENDA Now: Fighting for LGBTQ Justice in the Workplace Nationally
ENDA expands the protections of Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination in the workplace on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Federal employees currently have no statutory protections against sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination. Only 12 states have laws forbidding both sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination on the job. In 29 states, it is legal to be fired or not hired for being gay or lesbian. In 38 states, it is legal to be fired or not hired for being transgender.Even in states like Washington that have such laws, ENDA would benefit LGBTQ workers, because it would allow the federal Justice Department to investigate and prosecute cases of discrimination. more...
February 25 (Thursday) - Lecture / Talk
The Push for Peace: Human Rights in Chiapas, Mexico
Victor Hugo Lopez of Fray Bartolome de las Casas Human Rights Center will speak about human rights work with indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico more...