events archive
ordered by date, most recent first
June 6 (Friday) - Lecture / Talk
An Evening with Cindy Sheehan
This will be an evening of spirited political talk and inspiring music from Seattle musicians. Come help us raise funds for this courageous anti-war leader who is challenging Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for Congress. It’s time to deliver a strong message to the do-nothing Democrats in the House, and Cindy is a candidate who can make a real difference! more...
June 6 (Friday) - Protest / Demonstration
Emergency protest of Appeals court decision on Cuban Five
Demonstrate to Free the Cuban Five after 11th Circuit Appeals Court decision to uphold all convictions. The Cuban Five are heroes, not spies or terrorists. more...
June 5 (Thursday) - Panel / Forum
Wildlife Corridors Public Forum
Wildlife Corridors Public Forum: Learn about the latest efforts to provide safe passage for wildlife on our landscape on both a local and regional scale with guided discussions from leaders in the field. Get information on the Western Governors’ Association Wildlife Corridors Initiative, national to Washington state level efforts to ensure wildlife connectivity, and hear the latest on a project close to home - the I-90 Snoqualmie Pass East Project that is constructing wildlife crossing structures to make the roadway safer for people and wildlife. more...
June 3 (Tuesday) - Protest / Demonstration
Protest Warfighter Symposium & Expo
On Tuesday, June 3rd, those who directly profit from war will gather in Tacoma, WA, for the annual SpecOps West "Warfighter Symposium & Expo" defense industry trade show. Join us as we gather to oppose them! more...
June 3 (Tuesday) - Protest / Demonstration
Protest the "Warfighter Symposium" in Tacoma, June 3
On June 3rd, those who directly profit from war will gather in Tacoma, WA, for the annual SpecOps West "Warfighter Symposium & Expo" defense industry trade show. Join us as we gather to oppose them!
June 2 (Monday) - Film / Video
Film Screening: Abe Osheroff: "One Foot in the Grave, The Other Still Dancing"
In Memory of Abe Osheroff, One Foot in the Grave, The Other Still Dancing, a riveting documentary on activist and Veteran of Ibrahiim Lincoln Brigade, Osheroff reflects on the meaning of activism and the ideas that animated his actions. more...
June 2 (Monday) - Film / Video
Film Screening: Abe Osheroff: "One Foot in the Grave, The Other Still Dancing"
In Memory of Abe Osheroff, One Foot in the Grave, The Other Still Dancing, a riveting documentary on activist and Veteran of Ibrahiim Lincoln Brigade, Osheroff reflects on the meaning of activism and the ideas that animated his actions. more...
May 31 (Saturday) - Panel / Forum
North West Winter Soldier---Iraq and Afganistan Vets Speak Out!
Hear local and regional chapters of Iraq Veterans Against The War bring home the truth about the occupations with eyewitness accounts
of what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan.
May 30 (Friday) - Film / Video
Screening Event for Holly
The highly acclaimed feature film, HOLLY, is coming to SEATTLE on MAY 30th! Join us at the AMC Loews Uptown 3!
Holly will be playing on Friday 5/30 the showtimes are: 5:15, 7:30, 9:55
Saturday 5/31 -Thursday 6/5 the showtimes are 2:15, 4:45, 7:30, 9:55 daily ( also there is a showing at 11:30 am on Saturday 5/31 only)
On May 30th at 7:30PM there will be a special screening followed by a q&a discussion with Actress/Producer Adi Ezroni.
May 29 (Thursday) -
"Think, Speak, Act"
Open mic social justice event. ( Lecture, Speech, Poetry, readings, monologues, music, and more) You can join in too. If theres time anyone can speak. Please come and join in on makeing a difference.
May 28 (Wednesday) - Panel / Forum
Let Them Eat Ethanol !--The Global Food Revolt
This crisis is not due to lack of food or resources, but the priorities of a global financial system more concerned with profits
than human needs. Rapid investment in biofuels such as ethanol have usurped huge tracts of farmland. Even more disgusting are
the Wall Street speculators raking in billions by literally gambling on the price of food. Join us for a discussion on the roots
of the current crisis and how we can fight for a humane alternative to this sick system.
May 28 (Wednesday) - Panel / Forum
Let Them Eat Ethano l!--The Global Food Revolt
This crisis is not due to lack of food or resources, but the priorities of a global financial system more concerned with profits
than human needs. Rapid investment in biofuels such as ethanol have usurped huge tracts of farmland. Even more disgusting are
the Wall Street speculators raking in billions by literally gambling on the price of food. Join us for a discussion on the roots
of the current crisis and how we can fight for a humane alternative to this sick system.
May 27 (Tuesday) - Other
Candlelight Vigil In Memory of Ka Bel - Champion of the Working Class
In loving memory of Crispin "Ka Bel" Beltran, the BAYAN-USA Pacific Northwest Region and the Philippine U.S. Solidarity Organization will be holding a candle light vigil at the Seattle Labor Temple (2800 First Avenue and Clay Street) on Tuesday 27 May 2008 from 7 to 7:45pm. more...
May 25 (Sunday) - Other
Memorial Celebration for Abe Osheroff
A memorial celebration will be held on Sunday, May 25th at 2 PM at Town Hall, Seattle (1119 8th Ave. at Seneca Street) for longtime political activist and Spanish Civil War Veteran, Abe Osheroff .
May 24 (Saturday) - Music / Entertainment
Tacoma Wobblyfest 2008
May 24th, one day event of workshops, spoken word and music more...
May 24 (Saturday) - Other
Fundraising Dinner to Support the Cuban Five
Doors open at 3:30 PM. Drum Call, Song and Spirit plate offering. Welcome by Roberto Maestas, Dinner, invited speakers and Blanket Song. In support and Solidarity with the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five. more...
May 23 (Friday) - Music / Entertainment
4th Annual Gay-Straight Alliance Banquet and Awards Ceremony
This annual event is organized by GLSEN Washington State and the
Washington State GSA Network to celebrate the youth and allies who are working to end harassment and homophobia in Washington's K-12 schools. more...
May 19 (Monday) - Panel / Forum
Lives and Truth at Stake in the Niger Delta: A Sweet Crude Forum
The deeper story and larger issues behind the Sweet Crude film crew detention in Nigeria.
In 2007 worldwide: 86 journalists were killed, 887 arrested, 1511 attacked or threatened. If cameras are seized, if journalists are silenced, who will tell the truth about the critical stories of our time? Face down this question and others with the Sweet Crude crew and a panel of international journalists, activists and human rights experts.
May 19 (Monday) - Other
Defining the Feminist Week @ Seattle University
Seattle University Society of Feminists Celebrates Feminism with a week of events, May 19-22, including artist performances, lectures, discussions and a film screening. All events are free and open to the public.
May 19 (Monday) - Panel / Forum
King County Council Public Meeting on Public Campaign Financing
Citizens of King County are invited to attend a Countywide Town Hall Meeting
of the full King County Council on the topic of public financing of political campaigns in King County elections with ample time for public comment. more...