events archive
ordered by date, most recent first
November 8 (Saturday) - Lecture / Talk
More efficient ways to waste your life
Learn how to do shit that accomplishes nothing and nobody cares about in half the time it now takes. more...
November 7 (Friday) - Other
Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall
Experience a virtual reality (VR) installation that allows visitors to explore a larger-than-life reconstruction of the Berlin Wall. This 3D computer graphics simulation weaves in archival sound, image, and video, including records from the former East German Secret Service (Stasi). Users navigate through the digital landscape using a simple video game joystick, experiencing dramatic episodes that develop into a surreal, movie-like dream. more...
November 7 (Friday) - Other
Nominations for Seattle Human Rights Day - deadline Nov. 7
Help nominate individuals and organizations for the City of Seattle’s Human Rights Award to be presented at the 13th annual Seattle Human Rights Day celebration on Thursday, December 11, 2008.
The deadline has been extended until November 7. Nomination forms are available at http://www.cityofseattle.net/civilrights/events.htm more...
November 7 (Friday) - Workshop / Training
Free From Fear!! Hoplophobia Workshop
Be not afraid! Join your peers in encounter groups led by sensitive leaders trained in the Delphi Technique and Accuracy Theory and free yourself of your hoplophobia.
Confront your fears and learn the pleasures of the 1-ring. Perhaps you will surprise and please yourself! more...
November 7 (Friday) - Panel / Forum
Great Depression 2.0?---A Socialist Perspective on Barak Obama and the Economic Crisis
The United States and the world are now in the opening stages of what the Washington Post noted recently is
"The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.”
Mike Davis, one of America 's premier urban theorists and radical social commentators, will speak to the
questions that millions of Americans are asking today: What can we learn from the Great Depression of the
1930s and what causes the economy to go into crisis? How bad will this crisis get?
November 6 (Thursday) - Workshop / Training
Fundraising for the Frugal Workshop: Beyond the Bake Sale & Big Benefit Bash
This workshop outlines four ways for community organizations to generate revenue more efficiently than is usually possible with more typical fundraisers. Instructor, Lisa Arnold, has more than 20 years' nonprofit experience, and is a consultant to community-based organizations. Price: $39
November 6 (Thursday) - Film / Video
Film: Present In All That We Do
In 1907, more than two-hundred South Asian workers in Bellingham, WA were violently expelled from the city by a mob of white workers. One hundred years later hostility towards non-white immigrants in Bellingham continues. How have the events of 1907 shaped Bellingham as we know it in 2007? What has changed and what remains the same? more...
November 5 (Wednesday) - Music / Entertainment
Lesbians and Transgenders for Palin
She's hot, and she's now the Vice President. We hate her, but we secretly wish she'd abuse us. Oh, those shoes.... more...
November 5 (Wednesday) - Workshop / Training
PDS Anon
Join us Nov. 5th as we gather at Cafe Ladro in Fremont to cry in our coffee and schedule our first therapy sessions, after McCain. During this time of reconciliation with reality you'll be able to use your woman parts to yell at Sarah Palin, in public. more...
November 5 (Wednesday) - Protest / Demonstration
Bush 3rd Term Protest
Protest against the Chimperor's 3rd Term. Don't let the evil genius steal the election this Nov. 14.
Legalized Marijuana advocates encouraged to attend. more...
November 5 (Wednesday) - Protest / Demonstration
2008 Election and The Change We Need. Protest!
All of us living in this country will confront change after tomorrow's election, but not the change most people think they are getting. If Obama wins, he will preside over changes we don't want and shouldn't get sucked into supporting.
November 5 (Wednesday) - Protest / Demonstration
2008 Election and The Change We Need. Protest!
All of us living in this country will confront change after tomorrow's election, but not the change most people think they are getting. If Obama wins, he will preside over changes we don't want and shouldn't get sucked into supporting.
November 5 (Wednesday) - Workshop / Training
Embrace the Anti-Semite Within Yourself
Come one, come all! Embrace your hatred for Israel! Renowned Columbia University lecturer/prof Khalidi .Punch and cake will be served. more...
November 4 (Tuesday) - Other
Bi-Curious Victory Consumation
Gather with other male Obama supporters to celebrate victory of The One and indulge in male on male experimentation and light ass-play. more...
November 4 (Tuesday) - Protest / Demonstration
Blessings on The One
Let us all gather to demonstrate our support and blessings on The One who will save us all from the eeevils that are consuming our world. Bring bubbles, prayer wheels, gongs, red silk, masks and dancing shoes! Bring a snack and a *something* to share. We will greet the day as One and gather at noon for a Majyk Circle to Bless The One, then dance our blessings all afternoon to Bless The One as we watch the sun set on fascism! more...
November 3 (Monday) - Workshop / Training
A Workshop in Urban Ecological Survival Skills:
Exploring the Cross-Section of Permaculture and Social Activism.
FREE & Open to the Public
This workshop's focus is teaching the design of tools and techniques
used to secure people's access to life's basic necessities: food,
water security, shelter, waste management and energy production.
The systems described are simple and affordable and are built from
salvaged, waste and recycled materials. They can be used to create
locally based, decentralized sustainable infrastructure in people's
backyards or neighborhoods.
Emphasis is put on the interrelations between sustainability and
class/race/international struggles.
November 3 (Monday) - Lecture / Talk
Our Hairplugs, Our Selves - Revolutionary Conciousness Raising
As PDS sweeps through all 57 states, many recognize the dangerous precedent of having a woman elected for an important position like Vice President. Join other enlightened progressives in ensuring that the security of the glass ceiling is not endangered by a mere woman. Protect the Hair Plug Hegemony and explore your inner sell out. more...
November 3 (Monday) - Protest / Demonstration
Homos for Choice
The queer nation has been denied the right to safe, legal, and rare access to reproductive health FOR TOO LONG !!1! Join us and stand up for abortion rights for gay men everywhere. more...
November 3 (Monday) - Protest / Demonstration
Obama Sign Stealing Party
Join the fight against facism by eliminating hate speech. Help us replace the racist Democrat message of intolerance with one of hope and change. more...
November 3 (Monday) - Protest / Demonstration
McCain sign stealing party
Join the fight against facism by eliminating hate speech. Help us replace the racist Republican message of intolerance with one of hope and change. more...