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Records 121 to 140 of 2939

January 10 (Sunday) - Lecture / Talk
Sunday Discussion Series at Revolution Books: Unresolved Contradictions, Driving Forces for Revolution
January 10, Part I: Once More on the Coming Civil War... and Repolarization for Revolution January 17, Part II: (Some Observations on) The International Movement January 24, Part II: The New Synthesis and the Woman Question: The Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution - Further Leaps and Radical Ruptures  more...

January 9 (Saturday) - Workshop / Training
Achieving Abolition in Washington
Workshop designed to formulate plan of action to abolish the death penalty in Washington State.  more...

January 9 (Saturday) - Lecture / Talk
Why Oppose the 2010 Olympic Games
As part of a provincial and west coast speaking tour, activists from will be in town to speak about the impacts of the Olympic Games. Join us in an event to learn more about why opposition to the Games is growing and how you can participate in and support the resistance.  more...

January 9 (Saturday) - Protest / Demonstration
Demand Human Rights at Tacoma Immigration Prison
The government is using racial profiling and violating the civil rights of immigrant workers, whose only "crime" is working to make a living. We will bring coffee & food, support & solidarity to visiting families and loved ones at the NW Detention Center. Stop the raids, mass firings and jailings of immigrant workers! Shut down the Detention Center!  more...

January 8 (Friday) - Music / Entertainment
Verbal Graffiti Poetry Open Mic- For Teens
Verbal Graffiti Poetry Open Mic event is hosted every Friday evening in the Rainier Valley.  more...

December 31 (Thursday) - Other
New Year's Eve Celebration
New Years Eve Celebration for bold-spirited working folk with nothing to lose and . . . A World to Win in 2010!  more...

December 25 (Friday) - Protest / Demonstration
9th Annual Seattle Christmas Day DrugWar Vigil
For the 9th year we will hold a peaceful presence on the sidewalk in front of the King County Jail to recognize those incarcerated for marijuana and non-violent drug crimes.  more...

December 19 (Saturday) - Music / Entertainment
Political Comedians W. Kamau Bell and Hari Kondabolu at the Comedy Underground!!
Former Seattle comic and immigrant rights organizer Hari Kondabolu returns to Seattle and is bringing Bay Area standout W. Kamau Bell with him. Margaret Cho has said that Kamau is "the most important guy doing comedy right now... He’s got the most astute, hilarious and completely righteous material going and he’s going to be a legend in his own lifetime like Richard Pryor and Lenny Bruce."  more...

December 18 (Friday) - Music / Entertainment
1st Annual International Migrants Day Celebration Dinner
El Comité Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social would like to take this opportunity to celebrate this important victory and as part of this celebration we are extending a personal invitation to our First Annual Migrant’s Day Celebration Dinner. It is through your unwavering support that makes it possible for us to continue the struggle for immigrant rights and the advocacy of just immigration laws.  more...

December 18 (Friday) - Music / Entertainment
Political Comedians W. Kamau Bell and Hari Kondabolu at the Comedy Underground!!
Former Seattle comic and immigrant rights organizer Hari Kondabolu returns to Seattle and is bringing Bay Area standout W. Kamau Bell with him. Margaret Cho has said that Kamau is "the most important guy doing comedy right now... He’s got the most astute, hilarious and completely righteous material going and he’s going to be a legend in his own lifetime like Richard Pryor and Lenny Bruce."  more...

December 17 (Thursday) - Music / Entertainment
Political Comedians W. Kamau Bell and Hari Kondabolu at the Comedy Underground!!
Former Seattle comic and immigrant rights organizer Hari Kondabolu returns to Seattle and is bringing Bay Area standout W. Kamau Bell with him. Margaret Cho has said that Kamau is "the most important guy doing comedy right now... He’s got the most astute, hilarious and completely righteous material going and he’s going to be a legend in his own lifetime like Richard Pryor and Lenny Bruce."  more...

December 11 (Friday) - Other
D10: Enough is Enough, a Commemoration of International Human Rights Day
Join progressive groups in Seattle to commemorate human rights for all oppressed people worldwide. December 10, 2009 marks the 61st anniversary of the United Nations adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As part of an internationally coordinated effort, community members in Seattle will speak out and provide performances calling for justice against human rights violations around the globe.  more...

December 11 (Friday) - Other
CityClub's Annual Year in Review
CityClub's Year in Review forum is one of the highlights of our annual program schedule. It's a special opportunity for all of CityClub's partners - members, guests, sponsors and co-presenters - to reflect on and discuss the events of the past year and look ahead as our region enters a new year. Are we starting to turn a corner towards economic recovery? How will the field of journalism continue to evolve? What does the future hold for the Republican Party, both in Washington state and nationally? How are health and human service organizations faring in this time of increased demand? Is there hope for healthcare reform? How is Washington poised to take advantage of the green economy? Join us to answer these questions and yours as we hear tomorrow's headlines first, face-to-face with CityClub. Admission: $45/ CityClub Members | $50/ Guests & Co-Presenters | $55/General Public Please register in advance. To register visit www.seattlecityclub.org, or call 206-682-7395.  more...

December 10 (Thursday) - Protest / Demonstration
How about some peace with that Nobel Prize? Obama will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10th -- yet he is leaning toward sending more troops to Afghanistan, escalating the war! JOIN OUR PROTEST! * Don’t send more troops into an unjust, unwinnable war! * Bring all the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan NOW! * Money for jobs and education, not war!  more...

December 10 (Thursday) - Other
Dec 10-Call in day to save Washington Basic Health plan
Join in call-in campaign to save the Washington state Basic Health plan! Celebrate Human Rights day by sending message that health care is a human right!  more...

December 9 (Wednesday) - Lecture / Talk
The First Battle in Seattle: 1919 Seattle General Strike
For five days in February over 100,000 workers not only struck, but Seattle without the bosses or the governments approval. For a brief time Seattle workers showed the power an organized working class has. Join us for a discussion on the lessons to be learned from both the 10th anniversary of the WTO protests and the 90th anniversary of the General Strike!  more...

December 7 (Monday) - Conference
Global Washington Conference: A Blueprint for Action
The global development community is dedicated to transformational change in the world. Collaboration is more important now than ever. This conference will harness the energy of Washington State’s global development advocates. Keynote speaker will be Nicholas D. Kristof.  more...

December 6 (Sunday) - Other
Heard about the revolution?
Heard about the leadership we have? Come to this Open House to meet up, dig into this revolution, learn more, and be a part of figuring out how to bring about a new wave of revolution, here and around the world. Bring your toughest questions!  more...

December 5 (Saturday) - Film / Video
Special Free Holiday Screening of YOUNG@HEART
On Saturday, December 5, 2009 at 4:00 PM Community Cinema Seattle presents a free holiday screening of the smash hit documentary YOUNG@HEART. It is the true story of the final weeks of rehearsal for the Young@Heart Chorus in Northampton, MA, whose average age is 81.  more...

December 4 (Friday) - Panel / Forum
“Young and in the Streets: The New Wave of Queer Radicalism”
A panel of beginning and experienced leaders appraises the upsurge and examines the future direction of LGBT activism.  more...

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